124 S. Memorial Ave., Walterboro, SC 29488 (843) 549-1180

I'm New


First Baptist Church of Walterboro is committed to creating and participating in loving fellowship that includes people from all walks of life.
We look forward to having you join us soon!

When we Meet


   9:15 am  LifeGroups
10:30 am  Worship
   6:00 pm  Student Meeting


6:00 pm  
Prayer Meeting
 Praise Team

What To Expect

A typical service lasts about 60 minutes. We use a blend of praise songs and hymns with a contemporary flair. Children are welcome to stay in the service with you, or you can take advantage of our nursery (birth - 2 years) and kids' worship service (3 years - 5th grade). Most of the congregation wears business casual clothing,
but feel free to come as you are! 

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.